Slow painting

Sunday 14 December 2008

Infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure

That's going to be my mantra for the rest of this winter and into the next growing season. I had naively thought that I might get away without netting the broccoli and spring greens/cabbages since there was no actual broccoli in evidence yet. When I popped along to the allotment today with the kitchen waste I was horrified to see the plants almost stripped to skeletons in some cases. Much tangling and soft cursing later I had rigged up netting over a cobbled-together arrangement of canes and climbing frame poles. It'll do for now, but I hanker after a rod and ball cage with more robust netting, one that would fit together each year with a minimum of make-do. It would very definitely be an 'investment', but at the moment I feel I'm investing time in bringing on plants and not getting the full crop from them that I could if they were better protected.


Unknown said...

AWE MAN! What sadness! I hope your netting helps.........

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Hi Linda,
I'm sorry about your pest problem. I hope the netting works, and that the eggs aren't already laid and waiting to hatch.

My 26 year old daughter is here, on her dad's computer, which is next to mine, on her "My Space" and "Facebook" pages. I showed her your blog, and the picture of my blog on your sidebar. We both think that's pretty cool! Yours is on my sidebar, as well. What fun!

Linda said...

I should have said - the damage is caused by pigeons. The more mature broccoli plants have broken stems where they've been perching to do their evil work. Well, actually just to feed. Evidently the broccoli was to their liking.

Sue, yes, it's fun across all this distance. Your bright red fire hydrant is a nice splash of colour on my sidebar.

Darla, I've just added your site to my blogroll, for more glimpses of colour in the depth of winter.

TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

Darn....evil work of pigeons :-) I know IT IS NOT funny... but let face it , they just love you great work and yummie broccoli. Barbed wire next year? Tyra

ps. the rabbits took my kale.

tina said...

I would be so shocked and upset! I do hope the wiring works. Urgh! Those foxes need to come visit your allotment.

Peggy said...

Aghh! I have not been out to our plot for a few days (nearly 2 weeks)!The purple sprouting broccoli is netted but if the pigeons are getting desperate they mau get under it.Hopefully you will have some growth they wont get at now you have netted.